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Summer Home Maintenance Tips – Checking The Roof

Summer is one of the best times of year to carry out roof maintenance. While it doesn’t sound like the most enticing prospect, it is in summer that we get warmer weather and longer days. This can allow the majority of home improvement projects to be done using this seasonal advantage.

One of the best ways to make the maintenance easier is to carry out regular maintenance throughout the year. Checking the roof, making small repairs and clearing it regularly throughout the year, will make it much easier to maintain during summer.

Which ever time frame you chose, be sure the job is done right. Make sure to get a good view of your roof and notice any signs of wear and damage to shingles, gutters, soffit, fascia, flashing, chimney, vents.

Its also recommended to trim any overgrown trees that are touching or close to your roof to prevent them from damaging shingles or other roofing materials.